Agritourism Life Magazine

Connecting You To Farms, Garden Centers, and Wineries Agritourism Life is an online magazine featuring wonderful stories of locally-grown and family-owned farms, wineries and garden centers that are welcoming you to plan a visit. In it you can also enjoy wonderful recipes, unique artisans, and featured regions throughout the world that are ready to welcome […]

PLANTastic Halloween Movies

By Claire Shaha As Halloween approaches, fans of both plants and spooky movies can unite! From monster plants to scientific flower mutations, there is a movie out there for all Plant-O-Ween lovers. Here is a list of top 5 spooky plant movies. 1. James and the Giant Peach (1996) For those that grow fruits or […]

Top NYC Plant Influencers That Will Inspire Your Urban Jungle

Social media gives us daily advice and suggestions. I’ve gotten the majority of my recipes from TikTok and of course outfit and craft inspiration from Pinterest. Instagram is the platform where aesthetics thrive, and just one picture can offer so many ideas! That is why we are sharing a list of some of the top […]