Best Plants to Keep in Your Bathroom 2023

Yes, you heard that right—plants in bathrooms. We keep plants in other areas of the house, so why not add one of your busiest rooms to…

The Secret Benefits of Using Rainwater on Your Plants

As a free source of water, rainwater can be excellent for your plants due to its numerous benefits. Are you interested in helping your…

The Best Way to Take Care of Your Plants on Vacation

It’s summertime, and you know what that means. Vacation! While we love to travel, taking care of our plants while we are gone can be…

The Perfect Plant for Your Zodiac Sign

Are you waiting for a sign on which next houseplant to buy? How about your zodiac sign? Your zodiac sign is based on the month and day…

13 Plants That Repel Mosquitos

Some of the plants that have this bug repellant quality may surprise you! Lavender repels against mosquitoes, moths, and flies.